Comment what diamond pack rare your looking for. If you can, add a picture of it, that would help a lot. Thanks! :)
ClothesId: 10738
Name: Holographic Girl
SWF: holographic_2015_hair_dg
ClothesId: 8056
Name: Easter Right
SWF: easter_2014_hair_dg
ClothesId: 6990
Name: Robotic Girl
SWF: robots_2013_girlHair_dg
ClothesId: 1383
Name: VIP La Boheme
SWF: VIP_female_hair_1
ClothesId: 8616
Name: Vintage Tresses
SWF: icecreamVintage_2014_hair_dg
ClothesId: 4772
Name: Chick Slippers
SWF: EasterGiftCertificate_2012_ChickSlippers_nd
ClothesId: 9953
Name: So Amazing
SWF: LasVegas_2015_Girl_Hair_FJ
ClothesId: 10643
Name: Free Spirits
SWF: shamanchic_2015_GirlsHair_FJ
ClothesId: 10299
Name: Beauty Parlor
SWF: PromRoyal_2015_Hair_FJ